The week at a glance
Another week has passed. Seriously, without those theory classes on the go, everyday has been 'practically' used. Wished everyday classes throughout the year was like this; carving cavities, nozzle squeezing, drilling...
K, I'll fill this post up with pictures:
And this is how I look like after suiting up with the lab coat, goggles, face mask and gloves. (I lol'ed at the picture when I first saw it) Had to wear the appearance nearly everyday from now on. Formal wear is strictly introduced starting next week, so no more tees, jeans and sneakers around. Damn, now I have to swap my Converse for that ugly black shoe. Sigh, owh well, goes with the profession and professionalism.
By the way, I need extracted teeth...lots and lots of them! Those in the picture do not happen to be mine. I only have a small bottle full. So...donations are very appreciated! Do contact me if you have some teeth (extracted) to spare or if you happen to drop at the clinic for a dental checkup! I'm reachable at my email: Consider this an Ad by the way! =P
Finally, we have officially ended our clinical practice on those huge plaster models and wax work. Here's the whole lot of them! Congrats to all those who succeeded! I know it's not an easy task, but hey, our patience and perseverance paid off! Not to worry about the marks, it's the exposure and experience that matters!

This photo was taken on the roof of our building during a visit to the compression mechanisms located on the roof. Damn, the entire building layout really looks like a maze. It was our first time up here since entering the course a year ago. Definite cam-whoring sessions, especially with those donning lab coats on the roof!
This is Mr. V.G or Mr. Very Good according to him himself. He's teaching us...guess what...ENGLISH, which currently is the only non-clinical class we are having. He is a darn outspoken fella by the way, with a quick line or two for the chuckle. And for the record, I have to write a 3000+ formal report for the class regarding anything dental. Damn!!!

Last but not least, I found myself stuck in a massive crowd wave at Fly Fm's 3rd Anniversary bash at One Utama last night. Big thanks to my man, Harvin, for the VIP tickets which had us dining TGIF under an exclusive tent together with goodie bags. It was an epic event with 17 000 people flooding the avenue to a concert in which we saw various local acts performing. Believe it or not, it was my first time seeing Jaclyn Victor, Estranged, One Buck Short and other local acts on stage. Feels kinda jakun for a moment though. Haha!
So there we go, another week, another blast! Plenty more I hope during the coming week. Not to mention, the Freedom Elite rave party happening next weekend which I happen to have the invites! Preparing for a hell of a good rave once again!
So there we go, another week, another blast! Plenty more I hope during the coming week. Not to mention, the Freedom Elite rave party happening next weekend which I happen to have the invites! Preparing for a hell of a good rave once again!
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